Concertina Coil Fencing

 Concertina Coil Fencing

Palani Murugan Fencing With our long years of experience and integrity, we offer the best and world-

class assortment of Concertina Coil Fencing. These coils are made with the use of modern machinery and capabilities. These coils are used for fencing gardens and parks. They are expensive in proportions.



Boundary to prevent unwanted Intrusion.


Commercial places


Government Institutions

Military installations

Border security

Nuclear Installations

Power Plants & Oil Installations

Concertina coils have traditionally been used in high-security areas such as borders, airports, army cantonments, etc but of late it has gained great popularity and is now used in almost all manufacturing industries to prevent encroachment and subsequent thefts. Due to the structure of the coil, encroachment is very difficult and adds great safety to your property.

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